Dungeon Keeper Wiki

Terrain, also known as tiles, blocks, or cubes, is the term used for the different 'squares' that make up each map. Each of these squares will be one of the following types, or part of a Room. Some parts of the terrain, usually claimed path or dirt, can have decorative objects, such as barrels or idols, gold, traps, doors, trap crates, magic books, or Dungeon Specials on them, while 'open' parts of walls will often have torches on them, lighting the way.

In Dungeon Keeper, each cube is made up of 9 'cubelets', each allowing an object or multiple objects to be placed on them. Player-placed traps always occupy the centre cubelet, but traps can be placed in the other 8 cubelets with the aid of a map editor (a good example of evidence of this is level 16 - Tulipscent).

All items (16)
