Mythic Entertainment, originally known as Interworld Productions, was an American video game producer. They created the 2014 mobile game Dungeon Keeper.
At various points during its lifetime, the company had also been known as EA Mythic and BioWare Mythic.
Interworld Productions was renamed Mythic Entertainment in November 1997. Mythic Entertainment was acquired by EA in 2006, and renamed EA Mythic. Following a merge with BioWare in June 2009, the company became known as BioWare Mythic.[2] The name was reverted to Mythic Entertainment in 2012. EA shut Mythic down in May 2014.[1]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Dean Takahashi (29 May 2014). Electronic Arts shuts down Mythic Entertainment studio. VentureBeat. Retrieved on 11 June 2023.
- ↑ GameSpy. Gamespy:Mythic Entertainment. Retrieved on 11 June 2013.