Dungeon Keeper Wiki

The Torture Chamber is a room from both Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2. This room is used to convert Heroes, rebel creatures and enemy creatures to your side. This room attracts the fearsome Mistress, who regularly uses this room.

Dungeon Keeper


A pair of Dark Mistresses enjoying themselves in the Torture Chamber

In Dungeon Keeper this room is used to convert heroes and enemy creatures so you can use them to your own evil ends. The appearance looks similar to several platforms with dormant torturers in cloaks. The cloaked torturer will proceed to use specific styles of torture on different types of units, for example if an imp is dropped on the table the cloaked torturer will hit him with a pick axe.

Torture Animations

Evil Creatures

Imp: A pick axe is used to beat him (this takes only a few seconds).

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A Torture Victim Returns as a Ghost

Mistress: Is whipped.

Horned Reaper: Is trapped under a tarpaulin causing claustrophobia.

Warlock: Is beaten with his own staff (although he doesn't actually appear to have a staff)

Vampire: A wooden stake is hammered into his heart.

Goodly Heroes

Barbarian: He is grabbed by a claw and "tickled" until conversion.

Giant: Is trapped under a tarpaulin causing claustrophobia.

Monk: Same as Giant.

Priestess: Same as Giant.

Fairy: Is swung around by the wings on a spear.

Wizard: His own wand is used to turn him into a frog repeatedly.

Knight: He's constantly hit with an heavy hammer.

Thief: A rather tender part of him is constantly hit by two large metal beaters.

Archer: Some form of torture involving his bow and his ears is used on him.

You can also torture your own creatures, which will increase the productivity of other creatures of that type by increasing their movement speed, but this hurts them over time and will result in anger if torture continues for too long. The speed buff provided by the torture chamber stacks with those of slapping and using the Speed Monster spell, making it particularly useful if time is of the essence.

When trying to convert prisoners, heal them with the heal spell or feed them chickens, to reduce the chance that they will die before conversion.

Dungeon Keeper 2

The Torture Chamber changes quite a bit in Dungeon Keeper 2 namely the cloaked torturers have been replaced by electric chairs and torture wheels and the unique torture styles are removed. The Mistress will spend most of her time here torturing or getting tortured. There is a level solely based around the torture room as you need to convert the princes, Felix, Balder and Tristan.

Torture wheels are also placed on the walls, so you should remember to leave 3 tiles of wall around the chamber wherever possible to make more room for pain and sorrow.

You should always try to convert enemy creatures if you can afford their wages; the exceptions being the thief and the dwarf. Converted heroes will only become unhappy if sharing the same connected lair tiles as your portal creatures or if guarding in the same room, and they are often just as strong or stronger than your natural creature counterparts.

Any converted creature does not count towards your portal food count, so you can have a larger army if you convert every enemy you defeat, so long as you can afford the wage. You should only try to convert the highest levels of your enemies if your money is limited.


  • Fireflies when dropped on electric chairs are instantly killed (lightning is lethal to them)
  • Cloaked Torturers can not be tortured